The Civil Defense Administrator

USec Eduardo D Del Rosario


Our struggle to make the Philippines a safe, resilient and adaptive nation stems from our resolve to continuously evolve to become better. This is based on our ability to learn the lessons of sad and grim experiences that come along with our dealings with disasters.

Now, we are more proactive and we act even before a disaster strikes so that when it comes, all damages are reduced to the lowest possible level.

The OCD, being the lead agency in the DRRM effort has been very busy in carrying its mandate.

We have been actively educating the public through communication campaigns on disaster preparedness.

Now we have gone online to widen the reach of our voice in popularizing the DRRM advocacy. Our intention is to make our website the online hub of all cyber-efforts aligned to DRRM. This is our gift to the Filipino people and we are constantly improving this site so as to become of greater facility to serve our people: a venue for information and education easily accessible by all citizens and a tool for them to communicate directly to us.

There are more ongoing initiatives that seek to further improve our disaster response and rehabilitation capabilities and OCD is stepping up to the challenge, under the aegis of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC).

A 2012 survey confirmed a high public approval rating for the government’s disaster preparedness initiatives, speed of response to victims and effectiveness of response, a mean grade of 80, to be exact, a proof that we are making a significant impact in society. This is a feather in our cap in this advocacy and this appreciation inspires us to keep on working so that our country can achieve optimum readiness.

But we in the OCD and the NDRRMC partner agencies cannot do this alone. We cannot do it without your participation and cooperation. I therefore urge all of you to become DRRM advocates as well. We need more warm bodies in this effort. And if your heart and mind says yes to my call, then warmly, I welcome you to the DRRM advocacy.

Having you with us, we are more prepared. We are stronger. We are one. Thank you very much and Mabuhay tayong lahat.


Civil Defense Administrator

Executive Director, National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council

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